5 highly useful articles I’ve forwarded my friends this week

Having various interests is useful because I come across many interesting articles and tutorials. I thought I’d share with you what I’ve shared with my friends during the last week.

Here are the 5 highly useful articles and videos I’ve forwarded my friends this week:

1. 10 minute yoga for back pain

5 highly useful articles I've forwarded my friends this weekMy friend spends a lot of time sitting in front of the computer at work. She was complaining that her back started hurting more and more. I suggested exercise, but she doesn’t have time for exercise because the holidays are coming and the workload is getting bigger. She tried yoga a couple of times, so I figured that she will be eager to try a squeeze 10 minutes out of her day to do these exercises to ease her back pain.

These are really good yoga asanas for back pain, check them out! However I would switch the second asana (Hands to toes pose – Padangustasana) with the Cobra Pose.

See the 10 minute yoga for back pain!

2. An amazing series of innovative mobility videos targeting knee pain

5 highly useful articles I've forwarded my friends this weekSeemed to me that this past week was all about injuries and pains: first my friend with her back pain complained, then my sweetest guy friend had pain in his knees. Luckily I came across this wonderful series on YouTube about mobility, and I remembered the one focusing on knee pain. So I immediately knew what he needed to do to fix his knee! He was really thankful for the great tips in that video, it’s worth a watch.

See the amazing series of innovative mobility videos targeting specific pains – knee pain!

There are many other good videos in this series that target other body parts and issues such as: low back pain, shoulder/elbow, connecting foot to hip to spine,  ankles, shoulder impingement, hamstrings, wrist mobility
SI joint, IT band syndrome/lateral knee pain, neck issues and many more.

3. Stress scale with a list of 43 stressful life events

I had experienced a lot of stress lately, and I came across this list of 43 stressful life events. It was a real eye opener to see that retirement and dismissal from work had almost the same score for how they affect health. And imagine: major holidays also made this list!

See the stress scale with a list of 43 stressful life events

4. Woman handed card on tube from an organisation which hates fat people

5 highly useful articles I've forwarded my friends this weekThis is a controversial article about a woman who was handed a card saying the word ‘fat’ and how she reacted to it. Instead of taking a moment to think about her current lifestyle choices (like I would), she took a picture and posted it on Twitter expecting people to share it to express their outrage. Spoiler alert: they did share it. I believe this was free publicity for Overweight Haters Ltd they didn’t even dreamed of having. The police is currently running an investigation on the company.

See the article: Woman handed card on tube from an organisation which hates fat people

Fun fact: pay attention to the famous fat girl angle on all her pictures.

5. The U.S. isn’t the fattest country in the world – but it’s close

5 highly useful articles I've forwarded my friends this week
“I don’t need to worry about excess calories anymore! How interesting!”

It is a chart of countries ranked by the percentage of their population that is overweight or obese – which is defined as having a body mass index of over 25. On the top of the list are 3 small islands in the Pacific with four out of five of their citizens being overweight or obese.

See the full list here: the U.S. isn’t the fattest country in the world – but it’s close

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