I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about why I was fat most of my life. The biggest reason was that I’ve used food and thoughtless eating to calm my anxiety, stress, depression.
“Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.”
What is the best cure for anxiety, stress and depression? Exercise!
Want the perfect beach body for summer? Here is my 3 day per week full body workout to build muscle and sculpt my body! The workout moves all the muscle groups in the 3 days. Time needed for workout is about 1 hour per day, which means that only with 3 hours a week you can have the perfect beach body in a month! Start now, and make it a habit to hit the gym on Monday (Beach Body Workout Day #1), Wednesday (Beach Body Workout Day #2) and Friday (Beach Body Workout Day #3)!
Clicking on the exercise takes you to a video showing a proper form for that exercise.
Summer is here and it’s too hot outside. It makes me want to skip my workout, so it got me thinking: how can I keep my workout schedule even when it’s too hot outside?
Workout routine when it’s too hot outside
Let me share my workout routine tricks with you when it’s too hot outside:
Routine #1: Early morning workout
When the weather forecast says it’s going to be too hot outside, it’s all over the news as well, so I can prepare myself: I set my alarm an hour early, so I can do a morning yoga session before hitting the office. Morning workouts are awesome because you start the day with a feeling that you’ve already accomplished something (did your workout for the day).
Routine #2: Go swimming
You see a pier, I see a push up workout opportunity!
Hitting the beach or pool with your friends after a day of hard work can be so rewarding! Just be sure not to lay around on the beach sunbathing, but make yourself active! Go swimming! Swim 20 fast laps, and your workout for the day is done! Time to relax with friends!
Routine #3: Exercise in the pool
Look up a class of aqua aerobics around you or join an aqua zumba class! Wet workouts are a great way to get cardio exercise without breaking a sweat (well, actually you sweat, but it is washed away instantly)! Plus exercising in the pool makes less impact on your joints! Don’t have water workout classes near you? Get silly like me! Jump around in the pool, and do various workouts while your in the pool!
Routine #4: Hit the gym
The awesome thing about the gym when it’s too hot outside is that it has air conditioning! So basically you can stick to your usual workout routine even when it’s too hot outside to do anything! Just think of how awesome you will feel after your workout and get going! Get your heart pumping without overheating!
Routine #5: Join a workout class in the evening
Search for a group of workout enthusiasts who gather at night when it’s not too hot outside, and join them. It can be anything that you like to do from zumba, softball or running. Make friends when the sun sets and it’s not too hot outside!
Routine #6: Evening walk
Take a walk later in the afternoon when it’s not too hot outside with your loved ones. Don’t forget to take your dog with you!
You've seen woman in the weight training section of the gym lift heavy. They look strong, confident, awesome. I've also seen muscular woman in the weight training part of the gym giving away strong masculine vibes. So it made me wonder: what is it about weight training that makes some woman more feminine and shine with confidence while turning other woman into a masculine man figure with a strong toned body?
Is it the heavy weights that make woman bulky when weight training?
I’ve seen girls in the gym who avoid the weight training section and use only light weights because they are afraid of becoming too bulky. And I’ve seen girls in the gym who occupy the squat rack when weight training and are not afraid to lift heavy. In fact, they enjoy weight training. They know that weight training as a woman won’t give you a manly body, just good looking toned muscles.
Testosterone is what makes a body look bulky. It is a male hormone. For woman, weight training helps add bone density, which prevents osteoporosis. Weight training also improves muscle mass, which is good for the overall fitness level.
So it’s definitely not the weight training and heavy weights that you lift regularly that turn you into a manly woman with bulky muscles and a manly walk.
However, I’ve also seen girls at the gym who have an awesome and toned muscular body, and give away manly vibes.
What is it that makes weight training woman looking and acting manly?
Don’t let the short hair fool you: this is a woman acting manly.
Lifting heavy certainly does not make weight training woman look and act manly.
Weight training just tones your body making it visually more pleasing. Defined muscles will only show when you flex them. It is a common misconception that weight training makes women look big and bulky.
But how can you avoid turning into a manly beast as a woman while weight training?
In order to look like big men with bulky muscles, a woman would need to produce testosterone, eat the right things and take the necessary supplements. So it is a hard work to look like The Rock, it won’t happen if you don’t make an effort. Besides, women’s bodies does not produce testosterone required to get bulky, so you won’t have to be afraid that you’ll get big by doing weight training.
However, going to the gym regularly and spending your free time among sweaty men smelling all that testosterone around you and looking at them walk might make you unconsciously mimic their behavior.
5 tips on what to do if you feel like you’ve lost your femininity while weight training
Here are some tips if you don’t want to walk and act manly after spending too much time at the gym weight training:
#1. Engage in creative leisure activities
Sometimes weight training can become boring, no matter how challenging it is for your body. If you feel like your missing creativity in your life, do something about it. Reach to your inner creativity: write a poem, hand made your jewellery, paint a silk scarf or a painting. Any activity that uses your creativity will instantly make you feel more girly.
# 2. Yoga
Doing yoga will not only benefit your health, increase your flexibility, make you sleep better, fix your posture, tone your muscles, affect your weight loss (and I could go on for ages), but it is also a good for stretching your new built muscles. I noticed that when I combine yoga and weight training, my muscles are less stiff. Adding yoga to your weight training helps you get better shaped muscles. The gentleness of yoga awakens your inner woman.
# 3. Dance
Take a zumba class, a belly dance class, or just dance in your bedroom! Dancing will make you more aware of your movements, you’ll feel the flow in the music, and you’ll be able to connect to it. Move your hips with ease and grace! This will make you feel feminine in an instant!
#4. Spend time with other women
Spending all that time at the gym surrounded by sweaty men and muscles can make a woman start acting like a man herself. If you are living in a man’s world, you have to become a man yourself. You need a balance: start spending time with other woman. Invite your girlfriends over, or go out for a coffee. Discuss girly topics, share your feelings, ask for advice. Your soul needs other woman in your life.
#5. Read a book
Make it a romantic book, poems, or a book about woman specific topics – anything that interest you and talks to your soul. There is nothing more pleasant to your woman than being immersed in a good book!
Tips on how to motivate yourself to get fit are awesome, because they push you to make the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. However, motivation with time wears off. It is inevitable to lose your initial motivation to get fit. So what can you do to stay fit even when you’ve lost your motivation?
What can you do to get fit if you lose your motivation?
The health magazine guides suggest many creative ways to find something that will motivate you to get fit:
There. Bruno follows me around, so my workout gear is in a visible place.
Put workout gear in a visible place
Buy expensive new workout wear
Log workouts online
Get a workout buddy
Share motivational quotes on social media
Follow people who inspire you
I think all this is just BrunoPoo.
If your motivation to get fit is to justify buying expensive workout wear, then I bet you’ll be skipping workouts at the end of your second week.
A workout buddy will bail on you with time, because it is impossible to synchronize your schedule with a friend in a long run.
Reading inspiring quotes and looking at pictures of fit girls won’t make you magically appear at the gym.
How to find motivation to get fit and stay fit
Whatever your initial motivation was to get fit, chances are that motivating factor is gone by now. Are you searching for long term motivation? There are only 2 things that can motivate you to make a big change and stick to it in the long run.
What are the 2 most powerful motivators to get fit and stay fit in the long run?
#1. Motivation to get fit: Fear
Fear is the most powerful motivator. Use it.
If you are afraid of having a heart attack, it’s great. That is your motivation to start living a more healthy lifestyle.
If you watched your grandmother struggle from Osteoarthritis as a result of obesity, and you fear that it runs in the family, then it’s time to use that fear as motivation.
My mother suffers from severe migraines as a result of stress, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise. I couldn’t change her mind about the importance of workout, no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t wanted to end up like her, so I started doing yoga for stress relief. Started eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep. The occurrence of my migraines dropped significantly.
One day I was walking past a school where young parents were waiting for their children. They are all younger than me, and already had children in school. I realized that I am over 30 and I still don’t have kids. If I decide to start a family of my own, I’ll be the oldest mom there waiting outside a primary elementary school to collect my child. I’ll have wrinkles, back pain and myriad health problems due to my obesity. It was then that I’ve decided that I don’t want to be that mom. I will lose the excess weight. Changed my bad habits into healthy ones. Started using sunscreen religiously.
Find what you fear the most and use it to motivate yourself towards big achievements.
#2. Motivation to stay fit: Habit
I started losing weight when I was obese because I wanted to live by leading a healthy lifestyle.
I started to work out because I was overweight and I wanted to look good for my wedding (mission accomplished).
This expensive aerobic workout should be motivating enough to regularly attend the classes.
Then being able to carry all my groceries in one trip felt awesome.
Then I discovered that it’s called bodybuilding because you CAN sculpt yourself a body you want. Now I am experimenting with building myself a better booty. It never stops. Once I jumped on the fitness bandwagon and saw result, I was hooked. Working out became a habit.
When you start doing a morning sun salutation yoga stretching right after you get out of bed tricking your brain still in sleep mode unable to come up with reason why you shouldn’t do it, it becomes a habit. You just get out of bed and head to your yoga mat and start stretching. By the time your brain wakes up, your done. And you feel like you’ve already achieved something today. Habit is what keeps you going in the long run.
So your best bet to stick with your workout when your motivation is gone? Use your deepest fear as a motivator to get fit. Make workout a habit. That’s it.
One more thing: by making your workout constant, it helps you keep things in your life together. Your job is a mess, your relationship is falling apart, family is a disaster. The moment you hit the gym, all that vanishes, it’s only you and your workout.
FITspiration Friday! Yey! Summer is approaching, and if you want a better booty and toned arms, you need to do something about it! What could you do to have Victoria's Secret models' arms and booty in a bikini? Start this 3 day workout routine! After just 1 week, I (and my husband) can see significant improvements on my booty! I can't imagine how my booty will look at the end of the 4th week!
Clicking on the exercise will take you to a video showing you how to perform the exercise properly. So all you need to do after watching the videos is head to the gym and start building yourself a better booty and toned arms for summer!
The Build a better booty workout program is a 2 day per week routine, but on the original website its from you can choose a 1, 2 and 3 day glutes program – based on how much time you have left until summer bikini season. If you are looking for a more intense arm toning workout, I suggest checking out Muscle & Strength.
Go on girl, head to the gym and build yourself a better booty and toned arms for summer! Jump on the bandwagon and subscribe for weekly updates by clicking here>>>
Remember how I shared my current workout routine for building a better booty? Well, starting this week I felt the need to shape my arms as well. I did this by adjusting my gym time from 2 to 3 times a week by adding a day where I tone my arms.
So starting this week a better booty workout routine changes to better booty plus arms workout!
And because it’s hard for me to remember the names of the workout or how to properly perform them, I wrote a cute cheat-sheet with stick figures performing the exercises.
Stick figures toning their arms for summer
This is an easy arm toning workout that you can incorporate into your current workout routine once a week. If you are looking for a more intense arm toning workout, I suggest checking out the Muscle & Strength website.
This 1 day arm toning workout routine is what I do between the 2 days build a better booty workout routine. I felt the need to add one more day of gym time where my booty and leg muscles rest, because the built a better booty workout routine is pretty intense.
My 3-day a week gym time looks something like this:
Go on girl, head to the gym and build yourself a better booty and toned arms for summer! Jump on the bandwagon and subscribe for weekly updates by clicking here>>>
It is hard to juggle a 9-5 office job with regular workout while keeping a house clean. Because regular workout got on my priority list, I have to admit that many times I left the house in mess. Workout was more important to me than having a clean house in a mint condition.
How I substituted workout for a clean house
Recently it started to bother me that I’m looking at dirt and mess all week, and spend the weekend I’m supposed to chill out cleaning. I had to come up with a solution on how to keep the house clean.
What I did was: I took a break from working out for a week in order to do a big spring house clean. Had a big house clean marathon: everyday I cleaned for 2 hours or more. I managed to clean everything in a week.
What I need to do is keep it up, by cleaning once weekly for a few hours.
How to cut down time on housework and cleaning
So how did I manage to cut down time on housework and cleaning? It took a lot of planning and preparation, but I’m going to share the secret.
1. Get rid of things you don’t use or need
De-cluttering your home is essential. Getting rid of things that don’t need to be in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen is important. By de-cluttering I mean literally throwing things out (or donating them as I am a fan of helping others out). Go from item to item and decide if you really need it there or you could live without it. If it does not belong there, find it a more suitable place. Do this for kitchen appliances, bathroom toiletries, cut down on clutter in the living room. It takes a lot of time to do this, but you can do it slowly by de-cluttering every day for 15 minutes or so.
You’ll find that keeping everything clean with less clutter is way more easy and it takes less time than with all that clutter. Needing less time to clean is the main point of this de-cluttering phase. Plus it feels kinda deliberating to throw things out that take up space (and your mind).
2. Build a capsule wardrobe to cut down on washing and ironing time
When I built my first capsule wardrobe it was because after losing significant weight I had nothing to wear. All my clothes were hanging loose on me. So I figured if I already have to buy new clothes, then I should develop a wardrobe that will fit my lifestyle and needs. I also wanted to discover what my style is. With building a capsule wardrobe something unexpected happened: suddenly I somehow ended up spending less time washing and ironing clothes! I have no idea how this happens. I even figured that if I own less clothes then I will have to wash and iron more ofter, but no. Exactly the opposite happened: I am spending less time with washing and ironing my clothes than ever before. So if you feel like washing and ironing is overwhelming, then it’s time to try out building a capsule wardrobe. Check out my spring capsule wardrobe!
3. Clean effectively
Start with dusting. Complete that action in the whole house, and then start the next task. You will have to do more walking – yey, more exercise for you! But you will finish faster. Trust me, I’ve experimented with cleaning room by room or by doing the same task in the whole house. Cleaning room by room is way slower than completing one task everywhere and then moving on to the next.
Remake beds, straighten fabrics, pillows. Clean mirrors and glass. Wipe down surfaces, door knobs, switches, counter tops, cabinets. Clean the bathroom: tub, sink, toilet. Vacuum everywhere. Mop floors, tiles. And you’re done!
4. Make cleaning your workout
I substituted my Tuesday workout session with a house cleaning session. So instead of working out 5 times a week I workout 4 times. But the house is in mint condition! I chose Tuesday because I like to spend the week looking at a clean house when I come home from my office job. But you can choose any other day in the week that fits you. Cleaning 2-3 hours instead of working out on Tuesday is my secret that worked for me.
5. The 5 minute rule of cleaning up
I clean the house weekly once, but this means that in between I have to insert mini cleaning sessions. This means having a rule that if I see something that needs to be taken care of (piles of clothes, messy bed, dirty dishes, filthy sink, dirty mirror, etc.) and it takes less than 5 minutes to take care of it, then I’ll do it immediately. This simple rule keeps the house clean until the next big cleaning session.
Good luck balancing a 9-5 office job with regular workout and being the perfect housewife!
If you eat more calories than your body requires, you will gain weight. If you eat less calories than your body needs, you will lose weight.
I must admit that I am not a fan of counting calories. However, I found it to be necessary in order to get a clear picture of what I am eating and how it affects my body. So what is an easy way to keep track of the calories you eat you ask?
Easy ways to track daily food intake
So for whatever reason you are not a big fan of tracking your calories, I suggest the following:
A. Track your daily food intake and calories for a month
Tracking the calories in your food for a week gives you a clear picture of what you eat and how much of it. However, a week is not enough time for you to make proper adjustments to your diet. Tracking food intake for a week just gives you a clear picture of your current eating habits are. So that is exactly why I suggest that you follow your food intake for a month. This way you can adjust the amount of food that you eat to fit your healthy weight goal.
B. Use a calorie calculator for putting together an eating plan
The other option is that you use a calorie counter not for logging food and calories you already ate, but for planning of what you are going to eat that day. This is also a simple way of keeping track of what and how much you eat. Basically you put in everything you think you will eat that day, and you can see what are the nutrients that are missing from your diet. So you can adjust your food intake accordingly.
How to calculate the amount of calories you need to eat
If you haven’t already figured out how much calories you need to eat in order to maintain your weight, you can do it by heading to a Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) calculator here. It will help you figure out how much calories you will need to eat. There are many other calculators out there, but this one is my favorite.
The formula is easy.
If you want to lose weight: subtract 15-20% calories from the calculated amount.
If you want to gain weight: add 15-20% calories to the calculated amount.
If you want to maintain weight: eat the calories suggested by the calculator.
If you are not sure about putting together a meal plan for yourself, you can always consult a doctor and a dietitian! Good luck!